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[ Site Information ]

* Contact *

This is the Contact Box of the WEB site [MK - Medical Knowledge].

If you have any questions to MK, you can contact to the WEB owner by using the Contact Form. I welcome your comments and feedback, and will respond as soon as possible.

You need to write Your Name and Your E-mail address. If you want to use your nick name, that is OK. If you want to use any free mail, that is OK also.

If you forget to write your name and/or your E-mail address, I cannot make answer. Sometimes, such kind of person comes. Please be careful.

Please refer the [FAQ] page before writing/sending your message.

Contact Form

Currently, due to circumstances, the contact form is not active. If you have any message to the site owner, please use next E-mail address.


(Please change "[AtMark]" to character "@" before sending your mail.)