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* Illness of Heart & Vein *

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The heart, which is a pump, repeatedly contracts and expands to circulate blood in the human body.

Blood pressure is maximal when the left ventricle of the heart contracts and minimizes when it dilates. Usually, there are two words to describe the value of blood pressure, "systolic blood pressure" and "diastolic blood pressure". In slang terms, it is also called "upper blood pressure" or "lower blood pressure".

Each of the two blood pressure values has an optimum range, and the condition in which one of them deviates from that range and becomes high is called [hypertension].

Even for the same person, the value usually changes depending on various factors such as the physical and mental condition at that time, the environment for measurement, the timing of measurement, and the posture at the time of measurement. For example, there is a general tendency for blood pressure to be high during the day and low during sleep.

Hypertension includes hypertension whose cause cannot be identified as [essential hypertension] and hypertension caused by diseases such as kidney disease and endocrine system abnormalities called [secondary hypertension]. There is. In the case of Japanese patients, 95% have essential hypertension. Although it is often difficult to identify the cause, there are genetic and lifestyle-related causes of hypertension.

Nowadays, medicines such as antihypertensive drugs are being developed immediately, so it is possible to treat them to the extent that they do not interfere with daily life by improving lifestyle habits and using drugs together.

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[ A disease called Hypertension ]

What kind of illness is it?

The heart, which is a pump, repeatedly contracts and expands to circulate blood in the human body. The resting pulse rate of a healthy adult varies from person to person, but is about 60 to 100 times per minute. You can see this by putting your thumb on your wrist and pulsing.

The moment the heart contracts and pushes blood into the body, the blood vessels are under strong pressure. The systolic blood pressure shown at this time is called systolic blood pressure. Conversely, when the heart expands after contracting once, the blood pressure becomes the lowest, and the diastolic blood pressure at this time is called diastolic blood pressure.

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure have an optimal range, and if either one exceeds the optimal range, it is called hypertension.

Blood pressure rises even if the pumping force of the heart's blood is strong and the blood volume (cardiac output) is large, or if the resistance of the blood vessels and peripheral blood vessels that are the transport routes is large. In this way, the actual blood pressure is determined by the condition of the heart and the condition of blood vessels.

Criteria for hypertension

The above figure shows the classification of hypertension established by the Japanese Society of Hypertension as a guideline for hypertension treatment (2009 edition).

There are many stages in determining whether or not hypertension is based on the blood pressure value, and there are various stages of hypertension, from mild to severe.

As you can see in the figure, in a nutshell, if the systolic blood pressure (maximum blood pressure) is 140 mmHg or higher, or the diastolic blood pressure (minimum blood pressure) is 90 mmHg or higher, it is hypertension.

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[ Symptom of Hypertension ]

Typical symptoms

High blood pressure has no characteristic symptoms that you can notice. Therefore, high blood pressure has the nickname of "silent killer". If any symptom appears because there is no subjective symptom, the symptom is quite serious.

When high blood pressure progresses considerably, "arteriosclerosis" occurs due to high blood pressure, which progresses to angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, and the risk of life increases.

Even if there are no obvious subjective symptoms of high blood pressure, it seems that some people may become more irritated, moody, and angry than usual when viewed from others.

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[ Cause of Hypertension ]

Typical Causes

There are two types of hypertension, "essential hypertension" and "secondary hypertension", but 95% of Japanese patients have essential hypertension. Secondary hypertension is hypertension caused by kidney disease or abnormalities in the endocrine system, and the cause is identified. It is hypertension that the cause cannot be found or identified.

It is difficult to identify the cause of essential hypertension, but the possible causes are as follows. Although the genetic cause cannot be helped, other things can be expected to have some improvement effect by considering these.

  • Genetic factors
    • Sodium is easily accumulated
    • Sympathetic nerves tend to be tense
  • Environmental factors
    • Too much salt
    • Smoking habits
    • Stress
    • Lack of exercise

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[ Diagnosis of Hypertension ]

How to diagnose Hypertension

The diagnosis of hypertension is officially diagnosed as hypertension or not by the numerical value measured by a mercury sphygmomanometer or an automatic sphygmomanometer with the same degree of accuracy.

Blood pressure changes each time you measure it, so it is recommended that you rest for about 15 minutes and then measure it in order to get accurate measurement results.

Reliable measurements can be obtained by not drinking irritating beverages such as coffee immediately before the measurement. Naturally, smoking before measurement is prohibited.

A simple sphygmomanometer that measures with your fingertips or wrist is not used as a formal method of measuring whether you have high blood pressure. Whether or not you have high blood pressure is determined by raising your upper arm (upper arm) to about the same height as your heart.

The reference value for hypertension is that if systolic blood pressure is 140 mmHg or higher, or diastolic blood pressure is 90 mmHg or higher, hypertension is diagnosed.

When trying to measure blood pressure at a hospital, some people get nervous and get higher readings than usual.

Such people are nervous when they appear in front of doctors and nurses, and only then does their blood pressure rise, so they are called white coat hypertension. Recently, it has been recommended to measure at a fixed time every day at home.

Hypertension risk stratification

In Japan, as mentioned above, the Japanese Society of Hypertension has published a guideline for hypertension treatment for Japanese (2009 edition), which stratifies cerebrocardiovascular risk based on blood pressure.

As shown in the table below, the risk layer for hypertension is fairly subdivided, which means that as hypertension symptoms progress, it has a greater impact on the human body.

In this table, CKD is a chronic kidney disease, which means that kidney function is reduced to less than 60% of healthy people, or kidney abnormalities such as proteinuria continue.

In addition, metabolic syndrome is added to the item from a preventive point of view, and means that there is abdominal obesity (male 85 cm or more, female 90 cm or more).

























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[ Treatment of Hypertension ]

Treatment policy for myocardial infarction

According to the 2009 edition of the Hypertension Treatment Guidelines of the Japanese Society of Hypertension, specific treatment methods should be changed depending on the degree of hypertension and the risk of cardiovascular diseases other than hypertension (diabetes, organ damage, etc.). It has been.

If CKD or metabolic syndrome is thought to be related to the cause of hypertension, it is essential to treat those causative diseases first.

Normally, treatment should be based on the root cause, but in reality, the cause of high blood pressure cannot be easily identified. In addition to CKD and other illnesses and genetic causes, the causes of hypertension are often due to daily lifestyle habits, so it is first necessary to implement the correct lifestyle habits.

According to the hypertension treatment guidelines of the Japanese Society of Hypertension, treatment should be performed as follows according to the low-risk group, moderate-risk group, and high-risk group.

Hypertension treatment policy by risk group

Low risk group

If the systolic blood pressure is 140 mmHg or higher or the diastolic blood pressure is 90 mmHg or higher even after 3 months, we will start antihypertensive drug treatment.

Moderate risk group

If the systolic blood pressure is 140 mmHg or higher or the diastolic blood pressure is 90 mmHg or higher even after one month, we will start antihypertensive drug treatment.

High risk group

Immediately start antihypertensive drug treatment.

Lifestyle improvement

In many cases, although the direct cause of hypertension is unknown, lifestyle-related factors that induce high blood pressure include excessive intake of salt, lack of exercise, and excessive obesity.

We have found that it is effective to work hard to improve the following lifestyle habits. In particular, combined lifestyle habits such as saving alcohol, quitting smoking, and encouraging light exercise are more effective.

How to improve your lifestyle

Reduced salt

Excessive salt intake can cause not only high blood pressure but also stomach cancer and heart disease, so reducing salt is absolutely necessary. The Japanese Society of Hypertension recommends a daily salt intake target of less than 10 g for normal Japanese, but less than 6 g for hypertensive patients.

Examples of salty foods include pickles, dried fish, shiokara, soups such as ramen and buckwheat, and soups. Besides, seasonings such as miso, soy sauce, and sauce naturally have a high salt content. If you want to prevent high blood pressure, the trick is to make the food lighter.

Active intake of vegetables and fruits is important for hypertensive patients, but it is not recommended for patients with severe renal impairment due to the risk of developing hypertensive (potassium)emia.

Nutrients other than salt

Potassium is a mineral that excretes excess salt in the body. To prevent high blood pressure, it is recommended to actively eat foods high in potassium. Potassium is abundant in fresh vegetables and fruits. Brown rice and rye bread are also high in potassium.

Excessive intake of high-sugar fruits should be avoided for obese and diabetic patients who require calorie restriction. It is also a good idea to refrain from cholesterol and saturated fatty acids and to eat fish aggressively.

Weight loss

From many studies, it is clear that obesity is a risk factor for hypertension. If you don't want to have high blood pressure, you first need to develop a lifestyle that keeps your normal weight.

To avoid metabolic syndrome, you need to limit your fat intake and maintain a proper weight. The goal is a BMI value of less than 25.

BMI = (weight kg) / ((height m) X (height m))

For example, if a person with a height of 160 cm weighs 60 kg, the BMI value is 23.4, which is a safe area, but if the weight increases to 70 kg, the BMI value becomes 27.3, which is very dangerous.

Obesity is not good for other lifestyle-related diseases, so it is explained in detail on the page of " Obesity ", which is an endocrine / metabolic disease. I think it will be helpful if you refer to it.

Moderate exercise therapy

Overeating and lack of exercise may be a major cause of overweight people. People who exercise regularly should not be obese and should have the right amount of fat, such as cholesterol. It can be said that it is unlikely to cause diabetes.

Generally, your blood pressure rises while you are exercising, but if you continue light aerobic exercise every day, you are less likely to get high blood pressure.

Exercise is intended for hypertensive patients without cardiovascular disease, and it is recommended to continue exercising for at least 30 minutes daily, centered on moderate intensity aerobic exercise. Recommended aerobic exercises include walking, light jogging, cycling and swimming.

Light exercise is important, but for people with high blood pressure, long-term contraction of muscles, such as weightlifting and pull-ups, is extremely dangerous because it results in breath-holding and anaerobic exercise.


Alcohol intake should be limited to an appropriate amount. In terms of ethanol, the target is 20 to 30 mL / day or less for men and 10 to 20 mL / day or less for women.

No smoking

Smoking is said to cause blood vessels to constrict and cause high blood pressure. Try as hard as you can to quit smoking.


It is also well known that the cold of winter is bad for high blood pressure. In the midwinter, manage the temperature of the bathroom and toilet. Avoid baths that are too hot, and take a slow bath at a slightly lukewarm temperature.

It is dangerous if the temperature difference between the bathroom and the changing room is large. People with high blood pressure are strictly prohibited from bathing in cold water or in the sauna.

Stress relief

Everyone is stressed, but high emotions raise blood pressure. To prevent high blood pressure, it is recommended to relieve stress early and relax the mind and body. You can relieve stress by bathing, aromatherapy, massage, immersing yourself in your hobbies, listening to your favorite music, playing with your pets, and more.

Hypertension medication

If your blood pressure does not reach the normal range due to lifestyle changes, you will need to be treated with medicines such as antihypertensive drugs. Once you start using an antihypertensive drug, you may have to continue it for the rest of your life, but as long as you continue to take it, you will be able to maintain a stable blood pressure.